Austin Babies

MIL vent

Let me prefice this by saying my MIL is great and a huge help, but today about sent me off the deep end. Here was my day with her. At 7:45am I went upstairs to get the baby up, and she said, "you aren't going to wake her up are you". Um yes I am, if I don't her schedule will be all jacked up. Then came nap time #1. I put the baby down. Came downstairs and she asked me to go get Allison a library card so they could go to the library. ( she tried to get one for Alli yesterday but since she lives in CA she couldn't get it). I go down to the library and the lady tells me I have to have Alli with me, I said it would have been nice if she had told my MIL that. The librarian told me she did tell her. Ggggrrr. I go back home and the baby is up. Now it has been 20 minutes since I put her down. She said the baby was fussing so she got her up. OMG, her first nap is usually her long nap. She fussed for a few minutes, sleeps , fussed a bit and falls back to sleep. So her getting her up totally f#cked things up. Fast forward to this evening. The two big girls have soccer from 5:15 to 6:15. She stayed home with the baby. (she knows the baby goes to sleep at 7pm). I get home at 6:30 and the baby is ASLEEP in her swing. AYFKM? She said well she fell asleep and I didn't want to wake her. So now it is 9pm and the baby is still awake and pissed off and overtired. I just had to vent and get this out. This is going to be a freaking LONG two weeks.
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