Austin Babies

When will she stop waking up crying?

DD is 21 months and has always woken up crying 90% of the time. When she actually wakes up in a good mood, DH and I are both like, "OMG! She's in a good mood!" And if we don't bring all 19,000 of her stuffed animals with us when we carry her out of the crib, she throws a fit. Then I nurse her, and, once she is done nursing, she is in a better mood. But I am probably going to wean her soon so we can TTC, (I need to take Clomid), so I'm not sure how that's going to go. She also doesn't sleep as much as other kids her age, (about 10-11 hours total between night & nap), and I'm think it's probably related because, on the rare occasion she wakes up happy, it's after a longer than normal sleep. I've given up trying to get her to sleep more - I feel like I've tried EVERYTHING to get her to sleep more and nothing has worked. I'm so ready for this stage to be over. It has to stop eventually, right? She's not going to be 25 and waking up a sobbing mess, is she?

Bah, can you tell I am dying for a night out right now?

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