Austin Babies

Enlarged adenoids? Ent? Sinus issues?

I am at a loss for what to do with ruby. I am so confused, I don't even know how to title my thread. We thought she had issues with cedar fever, but the cedar has died down and everyone else in the house seems better but ruby. She has had a non stop runny nose for almost two months. Some days it is just a little, other days it is out of control. She has nasty drainage and is up at least once a night crying and coughing. Several different combos of allergy meds, two different antibiotics, and an appointment with an allergist and we still have no idea what is going on. Allergist wants us to get her an X-ray of her sinuses, as he expects her adenoids are the issue. But she has never really had an ear infection that we know of...wouldn't these be connected somehow? Thoughts? Should I try eliminating dairy? I just hate that we keep giving her meds. This is only her second time ever to have antibiotics and she has raging diarrhea even with the good probiotics. she is so sad with the coughing and runny nose. I want her to be healthy again :(
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