Cincinnati Babies

I hate our healthcare system

So, I just found I'm expecting again! Yeah!

Or so I thought, I do not have Maternity coverage on my insurance, unless I want to pay close to $6000 out of pocket. I qualify for Medicaid, but no one in the city wants to take it... I had my DD at Christ and then a miscarriage at 10 weeks, also at Christ. I love the hospital but the big groups of doctors associated with them will not take Medicaid. Now I think I will have to go to Mercy Fairfield, which isn't bad, but I just want great care so I can say I've done everything possible for this baby. 

I also want the doctors to take me seriously and not tell me to wait until I'm 8 weeks for testing, that's a bunch of BS! I want to get my levels checked so I can make sure things are going well and that I don't need progesterone or estrogen supplements. My friends have both had to take supplements to ensure a healthy pregnancy and now I'm worried I needed them last time and the doctor didn't check. 

Oh well, I guess it's a waiting game right... thanks for letting me vent.

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