Austin Babies

questions about thrush

DD was diagnosed w/ this yesterday and we started her on the Rx meds.  So far, I have no symptoms, but the pedi told me to talk w/ my OB to get started on some since we can pass this back and forth to each other.  My OB does not want to start me on anything until I have symptoms which I can totally understand, but I'm scared that I'm going to catch it, it's just a matter of time (I'm scared b/c I hear it's horrible!).  So if you've had thrush:

-does it hit you like a ton of bricks like mastitis does?  

-is it possible to NOT catch it from our LO if you're exclusively BF?

-and if you DO catch it, is it possible that it will only stay in one breast?

I say I have no symptoms, but I did have some tenderness in both breasts (one more than the other) that seems to have gone away.  I pumped for the first time a few days ago and it was REALLY stingingly painful in the nipple area and I don't remember it being that painful before.  When I pumped again yesterday, it still hurt, just not as bad. No pain though when I BF DD directly.

Seeing my OB on Thursday for my 6-wk PP appt, and I have instructions from him to call if I start having pain between now and then so he can write me a RX.


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