Single Parents

child support enforcement-a vent

I am a former single parent and my ex was ordered to pay CS...which he does not.

We lived in Ohio when DS was born and when I filed CS but I moved to WA and then TX.  I still reside in TX but the CS order is still enforced in ohio.

Ex owes DS 18,730 in arrears.  I contacted Ohio CSEA to see what could be done and they filed for a hearing for contempt/non-payment.  I received a summons in Dec saying I needed to be there and I called and explained I could not afford to pay $500 for a plane ticket and have DH take time off work to take care of the kids so I could fly to a hearing that the ex probably would not show up for.  I was told I did not need to attend.

I called last week to see what the outcome was if ex even showed up and was told they dismissed the case because I was not there.  The lady on the phone seemed shocked that the court did that since they enforce many cases where a parent lives outside of Ohio and cant attend the hearing.  I am still waiting for legal to call me back and explain what happened and tell me that they will refile.

I dont understand how he can be almost 19000 behind and something has not happened to him.  Why did they refer to the situation as-I am suing him for money he owes me....i did not loan him money...he owes his child money and I thought the state would enforce the order.

Good makes me sad to think he could spend the next 8 years not paying and not facing consequences and owe DS 35000 when he turns 18 and DS will probably never see a dime of it.

Why is the system not fighting for the kids?

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