3rd Trimester

Stomach Cramps, Anyone felt this?

I am 27w3d and have been having really painful stomach cramps today.  I think I just have a stomach bug but I am wondering if I should be worried.

 I started out having bad gas cramps with no relief, and having stomach cramps, after eating dinner I was finally able to go #2, sorry tmi!  I thought that would offer relief but it didn't at all!  The cramps are getting progressively worse, I tried timing them but they aren't coming regularly at all.  I have pain in my stomach  and sometimes below my uterus, but my whole mid section hurts bad.

 Also the past few days I have had a stabbing pain in my mid back, It feels like a nerve is probably being pinched so I don't think it's related but thought I'd mention it.


Has anyone experienced anything like this?  I don't think it is contractions but I am wondering if I should be worried or when I should start to be worried.


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