2nd Trimester

Gender cake question

I'm using "gender cake" because "sex cake" doesn't really convey the proper idea...now onwards:

What sort of places do gender cakes? Do you have to go to a foo foo bakery, or will a supermarket (like Publix) do it?

DH's bday is right around the anatomy scan time, so I thought it would be cool to have a gender cake as his bday cake (bday cake on the outside, but with pink or blue frosting on the inside.) 

BFP #1 via IUI ~ Fatal Birth Defect (boy)
BFP #2 via IUI ~ m/c
BFP #3 via cancelled IUI ~ C (2lb 3oz; HELLP)
BFP #4 via the natural (free!) way ~ E (8lb 11oz)
We have waited so long for you Precious, sweet boy
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