2nd Trimester

Having trouble getting excited.

I am having a lot of trouble getting excited about this baby, I am 15 weeks along and we have been thinking about starting a family for a while now but we had planned on waiting. Now the countdown is on and I feel so unprepared and inadequate. Oh and did I mention I am scared out of my mind? I am scared that I won't know what to do and that I will have the baby-blues. I am one of those people who decides on what I want to do or where I want to go way in advance and plans everything out and now I don't have time to do that, this baby is coming no matter how unprepared I am.


We are also moving from Kansas to California when I am 7 months along. I am trying really hard to not stress out but anything I get excited about my fears just ruin. When we heard the baby's heart beat for the first time my first worry was that her heart wouldn't work properly.


Did anyone else experience this? How did you get through it? Is there such a thing as pre-partem depression?

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