2nd Trimester

Shower/Feeling Down

To me, showers are way more than just an opportunity to give gifts.  They are really about celebration, and coming together to celebrate important life moments (weddings, babys, etc.).  I could give two shits about the gifts - my husband and I can afford the real necessities on our own. What I do care about is the celebration piece and everyone coming together. 

Having said that, I am struggling a bit right now.  I've already posted about this on the 2nd Tri board, but I have been feeling pretty lonely the last few weeks.  My husband is a CPA and not home much during this time of year.  My mom (who only lives a few hours away) hasn't visited/seen me since xmas (and she's retired so it's easier for her to come and visit me), and I just feel kind of a lack of support and excitement from my "support" network about the impending arrival of the baby.  

Last week, my friend offered to throw us a couples shower after she asked me when my shower was.  I told her nobody had planned anything and she was shocked.  She assume my best friend would do it, but my bestie is having fertility issues and really isn't interested (which I totally understand). She said she would happily plan something for me.  I was really glad and am starting to get really excited for it.  I really love being with friends over good food and just being surrounded by people who support us.

It is a couples shower, so mostly friends, though I also invited my mom, my dad and his wife and my MIL.  None of them can make it.  This is the only shower in the works, and none of them has said anything about planning something that they can actually attend, or that will involve family or family friends (none of whom will be at the couples shower).  

My worry is this - I am feeling down because I am having a hard time with our families not being able to attend.  I want to celebrate with them or do something before the baby comes but no family has offered to do it.  I also feel like where I thought they would be chomping at the bit to come and visit and to do this type of thing, I was sadly mistaken.  The shower is just a smaller example of what I feel like is the bigger issue and that is that they aren't really that interested in their first grandkid, or with anything.  I know I am hormonal and probably overreacting, but given that I've been feeling this way for a while now, I think there's something to it.   

I don't want to be blasted for being gift grabby because it isn't really about the shower at all - more about the support you feel when you have that kind of events.  I'm looking for other ways I can get it so that I don't feel so alone. 

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