Indiana Babies

New here - Anyone have experience with Wishard?

Hi, everybody! I've been kind of a lurker here for a while, but haven't really posted much before! I'm currently 37 wks and a few days, due on March 15th. My baby is measuring about a week or two ahead, though. I'm currently getting prenatal care from Wishard Hospital in Indianapolis, and kind of worried about it.

 I've read a lot about how hospitals are all about procedure, and I'm trying to have a natural birth. Yesterday I called into the women's visit center there at Wishard because I was having menstrual cramps and back pain and what I thought were BH contractions (turns out they were real ones, but not painful!). Basically, they told me I was about 1.5 cm dilated and 75% effaced. This was nice to hear, but my blood pressure was high (probably because I was freaking out about being there at all) when I got in and consistently for an hour. So now they're having me a do a 24 hour urine catch for hypertension. My labs while I was there all came back normal, but the doctor that saw me was telling me that usually they induce at 37 weeks if women are showing signs of hypertension, so now I'm freaking out because I'm terrified that they're going to induce me even if my labs come back normal again. So basically, I'm wondering if anyone has experience with Wishard's maternity care and if they were able to follow their birth plans there. Thanks for reading!

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