2nd Trimester

for those who have had an amnio or know anything about them

I'm on the fence.  My baby has bi-lateral CPC's and although these were the only soft-markers found, I am driving myself crazy about them.

I spoke to my OB who explained amnio's are not as risky as they used to be and it's the only true way to know for sure if there is something wrong.  She did also mention that my baby is very low risk and she really isn't super concerned that somethign IS wrong.

My issue --- I have a history of super high anxiety (esp over health issues) and I want to do the amnio just so i'm not anxiety ridden for the next 5 mths BUT I also don't want to put my baby at risk for my own anxiety issues.

What goes into an amnio -- I know they stick a needle in you to get amniotic fluide.  THen what?  I'm so stressed right now.  Really could use some support from you ladies.

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