3rd Trimester

If you were induced with baby#1, will baby #2 be late too?

I'm currently 39weeks3days with my second baby. My first baby was induced at 40weeks5days and I had a normal vaginal delivery. Now with baby #2 I'm still waiting for him to arrive and I don't have any signs of labour starting soon. Baby's head is low in my pelvis and has dropped, and last week at my OB appointment I was 1cm approx. I just really don't know what to think..if I should just resign myself to the fact I'll go overdue and have to be induced, or if this is the week I go into labour!

Do you think if you're induced with your first baby, it means baby #2 will need some encouragement too? Does anyone have any experience with this?

Were you induced with baby #1 and baby #2 came on their own? Or were you induced for both? Help!




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