3rd Trimester

GD/ GTT Numbers

So, I bombed the 1 hour glucose tolerance test with a 168 (130 was the cutoff).  I just got my 3 hour scores back and I passed all three draws, but on one of the draws only passed by a couple of points.  Here were my scores (number in parenthesis is the passing score): 87 (95), 176 (180), 138 (155), and 124 (140).  My OB's  office had no concerns or issues and were pleased with the results. That said, the baby is measuring 1 week ahead and my first score was really bad and I barely passed the 1 hour draw. I'm curious if anyone's doctor talked to them about what scoring close to the maximum meant and it they got put on the GD diet as a result?  I'm trying to be more conscious about my carbs and sugar, but want to know if I  should really be doing more.... TIA!
DD2- May 2012 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 1/26/11- missed m/c @ 12 weeks
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