3rd Trimester

Scary Thursday night!

So... thursday night I was laying in bed and all of a sudden I felt a warm wet spot. I got up quickly and called my mom immediately. She looked up some stuff online and she said to go to the hospital.  Since I already was heading to the hospital for a tour of the Labor and Delivery facility, I went in early to ask about this.

When I got there, my birthing class teacher wasn't there yet, so I headed upstairs to labor and delivery and told them what happened. They immediately hooked me up to the external monitors and began asking me lots of questions.

They left me in the room for about a half hour.  The one nurse came back in and asked if I felt anything. I answered no.  She then proceeded to tell me that i was having contractions every 3-5 minutes!  I was shocked!  She told me she was going to stop the contractions with a shot and that it would make me feel a bit shaking and crazy. I still can't believe I didn't even realize i was contracting!!!  I mean, how will I know when I'm ready to REALLY give birth?!  Goodness.

After I got the shot, I went down to get an ultrasound. They made sure there was plenty of fluid inside and there was, so I went back on the monitors.  I was still having contractions.  The MD finally came in and checked my cervix and it was completely closed.  He said that was a good sign and after about 2 more hours of monitoring, they sent me home.

I was scared!  I'm glad my best friend was there to help me through it!!

Looks like I'll be a bit early with the delivery.

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