2nd Trimester


Two weekends ago my fiance went out with his friends for the first time in many months.  He told me they just stayed at the same bar all night.  No big deal.  I found out this weekend while we were with some of the same friends and their wives/girlfriends that some had gone to the strip club the weekend before.  Judging by who drove them home, my fiance would've had to been along with them.  My fiance has said in the past he doesn't like strip clubs and has ever only gone a handful of times.  I asked him three times if he had gone while driving home and each time he insisted that he had not gone and they must have gone after they dropped him off at home.  I pointed out judging by the time he got home that they would've had to go after bar close.  He finally admitted that he had gone, but that he only stayed in the bar part.  I was actually supposed to pick him up that night, but one of the wives who was along with as a DD had dropped him off.  I asked him why he didn't call me for me to pick him up and he said he didn't want to stop drinking yet and didn't want to go back home yet since he was having a good time with his friends.

 I got really upset and very offended.  He knows I have self-esteem issues, and they have only increased since becoming pregnant.  I had lost a bunch of weight and was still overweight, but not nearly the weight I had been in the past.  I have been feeling even harder on my self as my stomach has began growing and as I can no longer fit in regular jeans.  I feel like I'm going back to my old self and swore I never would get to be that size again that I had worked so hard to get away from.  He said sorry, but he thinks I'm overreacting and doesn't understand why I have such self-esteem issues because I'm so beautiful, etc.  I feel hurt because I've been lied to and one of the fews times he goes to a strip club is while I'm pregnant and feeling the worst about myself.  He also thinks that since I'm off my anti-depressants that my mind is racing again and I'm more emotional than the average pregnant woman.

 Am I overreacting about him going to the strip club?  I do honestly believe he stayed in the bar area, but the point is he lied about it knowing it would hurt my feelings, and once I did find out he thinks I'm overreacting about it.  Now I've also lost trust in him for the first time.  Thank you for letting me vent, as I'm embarrassed to ask some of my pregnant friends.

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