3rd Trimester

Any other germaphobes out there?

I admit it...I am a total germaphobe. I blame my mother, who is the same way and always drilled it into our heads growing up:)

I was completely neurotic about germs with DS #1. He was born the summer that the swine flu epidemic came about, and he was too little to get vaccinations, so I would be sick to my stomach any time someone would touch him when he was a baby. I am already dreading the anxiety that will ensue with this one...I know that is ridiculous, but it is what it is.

When my sister was a baby (4 weeks), she attended a family party (during the summer) and while everyone else got a nasty stomach bug, she got sick and ended up with Spinal Meningitis!  This has always freaked me out....In fact, my son is going to turn 3 about 3+ weeks after DS#2 is born, and I am already stressing about having people over for his birthday, with DS#2 being so little. Just venting, I know I am extreme/a freak...just wondering if anyone else felt the same!

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