Austin Babies

Is there a 2 year sleep regression?

Because if not, I soooooo need some sleep help.

DD is having some sort of sleep issue. She's not sick, she's not getting any new teeth that I know of, and nothing has changed in her bedtime routine or bedroom except for a new nightlight (because the other one burnt out). For the last 3 nights in a row, she's been up every few hours crying. Sometimes it's just for a couple of minutes, sometimes it's for several minutes. It's taking her a long time to go to sleep, at night, too. She just plays with her music toys and talks to herself. So although we put her to bed at 8ish, she really hasn't been going to sleep until 8:45/9 at least. We put her to bed at 7:30 tonight and she was out 8, so hopefully that helps.

She goes down for nap at 1 and usually sleeps 2-2.5 hrs. For the last 3 days, she's only slept for about an hour (today it was a little less, more like 45 min) and then wakes up screaming. I mean, screaming! As in, she starts to choke she's screaming so hard. I will bring her out in the living room and she will go back to sleep in my arms for another 1-2 hrs, but obviously she's not getting great sleep that way.

Any ideas on what might be causing this? Do you think she's just really overtired or is there something else I'm not catching? Please help this tired momma! 


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