2nd Trimester

Intro to First Tri

Just wanted to introduce myself to everyone here.  I am a lurker/occasional poster as I only have the chance to bump from my phone but I love these boards and the knowledge they bring. 

So a little about me... Hubby and I are expecting our first human baby (we have two furkids as you can see).  We have been married for 6 years and are over the moon about our little miracle.  I am a non-traditional student set to graduate in May with a BS in Biochemistry and plan on being a SAHM for a bit after our LO arrives.  ( I know... all that work for nothing :) )  Can't wait to get to know everyone and learn more about others.  Have a great night! :)

Wife, Mom to two furkids, perpetual student Photobucket BabyFruit Ticker
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