3rd Trimester

Diagnose me-viral or baby related?

Friday I left work early to pick DD up from DC for temp due to teething. By the time I got home and got her settled it was 2pm and I hadn't eaten yet. I was starting to feel really week and queasy do I had a bowl of soup. When DH came home after work he took care of DD because I was so exhausted. I felt weak and I had a head ache and I just felt off. On Sat I woke up still feeling weird. I checked my BP it was 100/73. I spent most of the day on the couch. I tried to eat something thinking it was my sugar but that didn't help. Late in the afternoon I got really cold and very sick on my stomach. I got chills that were more like shakes. My temp was 96.5. I was very short of breath but I think that was mostly from shaking so much. I took some Tylenol and after several hours I got extremely hot. Temp then was 98.1. I went to bed for the night but woke up in the middle of the night with chills again. Temp 98.5 BP 115/68. I was able to fall back asleep. I haven't had any chills today but I'm extrely tired. Just to help DH make meals for DD makes me so tired I get kind if queasy. DH actually wanted to take me to the hosptial a couple of times but I don't want to go in and find out its just a virus. Should I be worried?

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