Single Parents

Did I Really Just Do That?!?

Someone posting one time about the disaster that they experienced when they started dating before they were really ready. I started dating about two months ago and came to the realization that I wanted something serious and he didn't. So we agreed to put a little distance between us and be friends and maybe in a few months when he feels more recovered from his messy divorce we could try again. So, now we are friends and somehow I decided it would be appropriate to go into a crazy long rant about my ex and how much damage he's done to me. Ugh really! Then he mentioned something about how she accused his of abusing her and over time has accused several people. I decide to go into a looong analysis of him and his ex and how I read that 95% of abuse allegations by a woman of a man are based in truth. Keep in mind this is one of the nicest, most polite, honest and open person in what I've seen in the two months I've known him. I guess it's possible but I have zero, really zero, reason to believe his ex is telling any kind of truth. He sent me an email pretty much defending himself but still very polite and honest. Wow, I feel like a douche and totally overreacted. I told him I was sorry but I'm thinking he's probably ready to be done with this crazy girl. I've only been single since September and think I really rushed things, especially pretty much insisting on a serious relationship. So embarrassed....
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