Single Parents

DNA Testing/Rights

"Anyone know anything about DNA testing for the baby when it's born (I'm in OH if that matters).. I know the father.. But I told him I am refusing to put his name on the certificate because of the complications. He can see the baby if he makes an honest effort.. He told me that he can have the courts subpoena a DNA test whether I like it or not and get his name put onto the certificate himself.. Is this possible? I don't want a war.. But I don't want to be miserable either." 


I meant to come here and post that.. But I accidentally posted in 2nd trimester.. So I'm hoping some of you who've been through this can tell me how it all works.. I found this site last night and it seemed to make some sense. 


I also had a friend tell me that a local attorney told her the dads name can be put on the certificate but if I give the baby my last name he can't do anything.. I'm so confused with all of this.. -_- I just want a solid answer. I will be consulting with an attorney tomorrow afternoon to see what I need to do to protect my child from being completely taken away from me... His father went through this as a child... His dad took him from his mom.. And I'm scared to death they're going to try to do this with me too.. all because "they have more money than I do".. (their reasoning) I in no way could be proven unfit. I have income, I am not mentally unstable or on drugs, I have a stable home.. I just want peace..

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