3rd Trimester

Fluid, mucas, labor on the way?

Went Thursday AM for my Dr. appt. He did a pelvic exam and nothing was happening (I'm 39 weeks) no dilating, no cervix thinning, he said I hadn't even dropped! I woke up this morning around 6:30 and the pants I slept in were all wet in the croch....smelled like semen actually.

Took my pants off, went back to sleep. Stayed in bed till 10am and when I got up I hit the bathroom and on my way there I felt "a bubble" pop (that's the best way I can think to describe it) I pee'd and when I wiped I had mucus on my inner thigh and toilet paper.

This is my first baby so I'm new to all this. I haven't felt any labor pains, but I just went to the bathroom again and still mucus.

Does this mean labor is on it's way?

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