2nd Trimester

Why do I still feel like crap? TMI

I dont get whats wrong with me I am so totally exhausted and my body has some really weird feelings to it. Right now I have the burning pee feeling even though my pee is normal. When DH and I have sex I hurt so badly I dont know whats causing I've been after my doctor she has no idea either. After sex it is a very sore burning feeling, at first I thought UTI but I dont have one. Some of you suggested more lube we tried that and it is the same as before. Honestly I have never felt so run down and out of it before prior I was feeling great but for about the last 4 wks it has been progressively worst. Not to mention I am huge and its getting a bit tricky to maneuver my body. Has anyone else found themselves feeling worst in the second trimester? 
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