2nd Trimester

Subchorionic Hemorrhage

Hi ladies, this is my first time posting on the 2nd tri board. At 7 weeks I went to the ER with bleeding and found out that I had a SCH and at my dr appt around 11 weeks I was told that is was completely gone. Thursday night I began bleeding extremely heavily. They did an ultrasound in the ER and I saw the baby moving and it had a heartbeat of 188, we found out that the hemorrhage is 8cm. They kept me overnight for monitoring, told me that I needed to be on bedrest. and I am following up with my doctor on Monday.

Has anyone experienced this in their second trimester? I can't help but freak out when I see so much blood. I am trying to take it easy but that is not easy to do with a two year old. I guess I am just looking for reassurance. TIA

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