2nd Trimester

Ugh will this baby ever move off of my bladder? Please help! xp from July 2012

This started Wednesday evening - I felt that I had to pee about 3 times an hour which was miserable. I think I was having bladder spasms and I was concerned I had a UTI. I had my a/s Thursday which looked great and I voiced my concerns to my OB who said my U/A looked good but she would send my urine off for a culture just to make sure. She didn't seem concerned. I felt better Friday but today again I feel that every time I stand up our baby is just sitting right there, on my bladder. It's pretty uncomfortable. Is it possible that baby will move up a little higher and this won't be quite so bad? Has anyone else experienced this? My baby only weighs 9 oz so I'm scare what this is going to be like when he gets bigger! TIA!
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