3rd Trimester

Image Issues (rant and advice needed )

I hate to be a complainer- because I am truly so excited to meet my baby girl-and I am grateful I got pregnant easily, but lately I've been really struggling with the change to my looks.

I've always been slim and petite. This is my first pregnancy and I have gained already 40 pounds and I'm only 30 weeks. My skin has broken out like crazy! All over my face, chest and back (and has been the way since the first trimester).

My feet are ugly and swollen, my hands are swollen and my hair gets greasy.

And as wonderful as my husband is, he is not really interested in sex right now- he can't get over that I'm carrying our baby- and that it's a girl no less. (he's kind of weirded out by sex in general right now, knowing we are all someone's daughter.) 

Anyway- sorry to complain but I've had a few crying moments over all this crap so I figure I should reach out and ask if anyone else is going through this.


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