2nd Trimester

Anxious mommas..

Are you finding yourself anxious for your baby to be here?

I don't mean normal excitement,  I am having bouts of super anxiety where my heart jumps in anticipation.  I'm dying to meet this baby and have to keep reminding myself down since I have a little more than halfway to go.

 I feel like I was way more patient with DS 1 and 2 enjoying (and suffering through) the motions of pregnancy. Right now, it's more like "been there, done that - get me my baby!"


Elvira & Rudy Married - (06/07/03) ~ DS: Nevin (3/1/99) DS: Aston (3/24/04) ~ Baby Boy in heaven D&C at 8 weeks (9/3/10) lil peanut due July 25, 2012~ Daisypath Anniversary tickers

pregnancy calendar BabyName Ticker

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