2nd Trimester

horrible/awful, but is this normal?

I know this is horrible and I wish they would stop..but I've been having awful dreams/nightmares. They seem to come after I have an ultrasound, and these dreams scare me until I can see my baby again. Everything is ok with the baby, the measurements, the heartbeat, all that, but it seems like everytime I have an ultrasound, the following few days I'll have one or two dreams about losing it. The last one I had, we went for our gender appt. (I'm 14 weeks) and the tech couldn't find the heartbeat and she said he wasn't there anymore. I've never had these dreams before pregnancy, so it's gotta be just a worry. I hate it too because it's always weeks later before I can make sure that he/she is ok and drives me crazy until then...does anybody else have any horrible dreams like this???
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