2nd Trimester

Update on MIL & Shower issue/ rant

So about a week ago I post asking for a dice for an issue I was having with my wonderful MIL.  A little background: She has told me she wants to plan a shower for DH, LO and I (and told numerous times that this is something she wants to do) and has complained that we are not involving her as much as she would like in the pregnancy.  My work schedule is super busy, basically until LO arrives and I work a lot of weekends.  My MIL and mom both live about 4 hours drive away.  My mom has planned a shower for me and MIL hasn't said a word.  She is busy with her niece's wedding. Wasn't sure how to tell her that if she wanted to plan anything, she would need to give me a date so I could arrange to have off/ be able to travel...

So I asked DH to talk to his mother about, he kept forgetting.  So finally I called her and told her that my mom was planning a shower and working on the guest list and wanted to know if she should send out invites to DH's side of the family and if she could get their addresses or if she was planning something else. My mom was concerned because my MIL does not get along with DH's father side of the family and completely excluded them from our wedding shower and they were hurt so my mom wanted to avoid this drama.

Well, my MIL's response was I'm not sure that anyone has even thought of doing anything for the baby, and we are just too busy with the wedding, so could you just let us get through the wedding and stuff? SO then I tried to give her some updates from my last OB visit about the baby and plans we had and she was like, well you know I'm kind of busy, I'll just talk to you later and got off the phone...

I don't expect anything but I'm just really hurt by the constant issues I've been having with my MIL... She has 2 grandkids already and about the time we found out we were expecting my BIL got a dog.  She has told me on numerous occasions that the dog is her 3rd grandchild and always will be (she doesn't like dogs) and that my baby will be the 4th.  She boo hoo's that we do not include her, but when I go out of my way to call and give her updates she is short and abrupt with me, we had major issues over the holidays to the point DH didn't talk to her for a month and then he told her she was rude and she ignored me.... and I'm just at a loss and really kind of pi$$ed.

Rant over. 

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