2nd Trimester

Who else has cried over dumb things?

Did I mention I hate hormones? Ugh. One of the first (of so many I can only remember 3 currently) things I got upset about was my work phone/printer not working properly. I welled up with tears and wanted to throw the darn thing at the same time. I had to go to the back and breathe before my tears caught up with me.  Another was over an AFV video that I laughed so hard and started bawling like a baby for almost 10min after. My hubby wasn't sure what to do, poor guy!  And then today was over my parents not inviting me to my youngest brothers birthday lunch. Hell I planned on paying for myself but didn't get the invite. Just a text that they weren't gonna be home b/c they were headed out for his lunch. So I wasn't gonna just show up and invite myself. So instead, I cried while eating a baked potato. I'm sure there are plenty of worse things to cry over, but I can't help it, ya know?  I know this is just the beginning of hormones to come, but Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh. Ok, I feel a little better.


So what little things have gotten you emotionl lately?

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