2nd Trimester

Bad news on the ultrasound

Baby has a fluid-filled cyst on her brain; my bloodwork was abnormal (high enzymes is what I think they said, but although I tried so hard to listen all I could do was cry); the multiple marker test came up showing problems, and they don't know my due date. I don't understand why they don't know my due date. Apparently the first day of my last period gives them something different to what I was originally told waaay back when I was 8 weeks pregnant and had an ER visit, where the DD was calculated by crown-rump length. The size and weight of the baby is consistant with my original due date, so why the hell are they telling me that it's wrong? Especially when I've told them I don't remember the first day of my LMP? They're also telling me that how bad all of this is depends on my due date.

I don't understand any of this. I'm so angry. They've told me it's nothing I have or haven't done, but why the hell is this happening to me? I've been eating healthy, doing everything I'm supposed to do, avoiding everything I'm supposed to avoid; and meanwhile it seems everyone around me who is pregnant is smoking and drinking and their babies are perfectly healthy. I've wanted kids all my life and this happy accident is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Oh, and guess what? Not only will they not tell me anything (I'm seeing a specialist on Monday. The regular doctors aren't telling me a damned thing), guess how I found out something was wrong? The U/S tech is doing her thing and shows me the heartbeat. I burst into tears and say "I'm so glad she's ok". U/S tech then says, "aaaw, you were worried about your blood test results being abnormal? Well you'll need to see a specialist, I can't tell you anything about that". (DH says that it's illegal for her to discuss my blood test results with me, if anyone knows whether that's true or not I'd appreciate the input)

I can't believe this is happening. All I want to do is curl up in bed and cry, and stay there until Monday. I can't believe that I have to ask this on an internet forum after seeing my so-called doctor, but what does all of this even mean? :(

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