2nd Trimester

AS today. Should I be worried?

I had my anatomy scan today. Everything was going well. The person doing the scan showed us the heart. We saw all the chambers and she even showed us the blood flowing. Everything working exactly as it should. Then she moved the the brain. She took a look and said, "Did you have the nuchal screening at 12 weeks?" I said no and asked if everything was okay and she said that everything looked great. She did the rest of the scan and said our LO was a "textbook baby". developing the way it should. 

I was doing fine until I started thinking about that question that she asked. Now I am worried that she saw something and didn't tell us. I was just wondering if anyone could offer any insight.


Husband and I are both carriers of Delta F508, one of the many mutations that cause Cystic Fibrosis. We pray for a cure.
D-IUI #1 September 2011 ~ BFN D-IUI #2 October 2011 ~ BFP!
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