Single Parents


soo this is a pitty my roomates (all under 21) are partying downstairs...i have a mere 3 months left in my pregnancy and i am SOOO over it. i am a college student in my last semester of classes before student teaching and i am SOOO tired of sitting at home every night, reading, sitting on pintrest, and facebook. i have NOTHING in common with anyone else in this god forsaken town. i cant drink, im not one to just hang out sober while everyone else is gettin tipsy. BD wont give me the time of day to hang out even or even talk to me. my closest friends all graduated or live at least an hour away. ugghhhh im just so fed up with sitting at home, doing nothing, cant even really fold or clean for the nursery cuz im not currently living in the town i will give birth in. BD does whatever the f*** he wants cuz he can and shows no support or empathy for me. this is what i get for actually being responsible? i was on BC when i got prego, and now i dont even want to have anything to do with BD. dont get me wrong i LOVE my little man moving around in my belly more than words can explain but why does pregnancy have to be so hard?? as if taking 18 credits, working two jobs, and planning for this baby isnt enough...i know it will be more than worth it in the end but god damn this blows. 


thanks for letting me vent single mammas...i feel slightly better 

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