Single Parents

XP: Back after a very long Feb..

So I know I just started posting on this board back in Jan I believe, but had to take a break due to life getting a little - harsh:

This month, after much thought and number running - I had to file bankruptcy. I know it's not a horrible thing, but it was much due to my relationship with XH and just a tough thing to do. But it is done, now onward and upward.

Also, after her 6 month appt, DD had a follow up with her ped due to her headshape, which turned into a specialist recommendation 2 weeks later, with a lot of scary "what if's" in between. Luckily, she is going to be ok, tests came back normal - so my mind has been reeling on that for awhile as well.

Not too much other than that to update on except I move in a few weeks, yay and holy crap on that one as I have been here with my folks over a year now! But we will be ok. Also C (the guy I was dating) kinda feel off the radar - I am a little disapointed in him because we were friends for so long. I may try and contact him to see what happened - I understand if he got freaked out, wasn't feeling it, etc....but call a girl and tell her at least.

Back now and looking forward to getting back to "normal."

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