2nd Trimester

Have had it with housemate/supposed friend, WWYD?

Pre-story :So DH and I have our house. Before I moved here, he had set up that it would be rented to other random interns or full time employees of nearby large companies. One guy moved in this 3 years ago with another dude who knew my DH. This guy, Ben, has stayed with us ever since and we became friends. Before xmas this year we asked all the other tenants to leave, and told Ben he had a few months to stay, then would have to move out and leave us with our own space and house in preparation for baby. Ben didn't get it. So a while ago, we reminded him again that regardless of his laziness and desire to avoid responsibility, we were not going to be able or willing to push back our date for him to be gone, babies don't work like that, I can't just hold my legs shut and keep her in for longer while you take forever to move out and grow up. Over time there have been a few incidents where he would say horrible things to me, such as telling me I had no rights to any decisions made around/in the house because I wasn't a financially contributing renter ( uhh I'm married to the owner, I'm a student doing my masters the last 2 years, and I shared all my prev income w DH, thank you). And he tries to get involved in decisions about DH and I and our future (jobs, whether DH should take flying lessons or buy a motorcycle)

Today: So we again prodded him a few weeks ago and clearly stated depart before the end of March, better before, but by 31st, must be OUT. I am too nice of a person and since he was a friend and it made things easier in the recent years, we've always shared groceries, and since him and DH don't get home til late I would always make dinner for the three of us, and generally take care of the house, and Ben's cat. I know I know, I am a pushover, i am aware. But we are/were friends so it kinda just went like that.

Since after xmas he has been increasingly rude to me, yelling at me when I don't agree with him in a day to day conversation, when I buy the kind of cereal we both like, but not the brand he likes, when I prepare dinner my way but not cutting things his way, and generally insists that he is always right and I am wrong, or when its regular night for him to be out for dinner but he shows up anyway and I haven't made enough for him too. So today, after not showing up for dinner last night, no notice, fine, he starts the day - after me reading out a note a friend posted about how if men can get a pill that lets them have bigger and longer lasting erections, women should certainly have the right to a pill that prevents them from getting pregnant when they don't want to (the whole birth control from planned parenthood issue). And he responds, no thats stupid its only unfair if there isn't a pill letting women have longer orgasms, its not men's problem they can't help getting pregnant. WHAT?! A**hole. So then he's saying its cold. K great, maybe its cause you arent wearing pants and its winter, or also you are bald and losing plenty of heat from both those areas. He goes no, thats a myth, its a fact you dont lose heat from your head, I say, no it really isn't, you lose heat from everywhere.he runs over, shoves me on my chair and grabs my laptop away from me, I try to grab it back, and he pushes me again while I say No, I don't care what you thiink,I'm doing work, you're going to break my computer. And he's still fighting me away from my computer. SO then he drops it back on the table and kicks the chair and says I'm stupid, he knows the facts, I'm being stupid, always am stupid, I repeat what he's saying, and go oh sure, you must know every fact, and I must be stupid if I don't agree with you. Then he kicks a ball at me and runs off to his room.

So I've had it, this is the last in a string of events where he has been only physically and verbally abusive to me, has no care in the world that he is an arrogant jerk and that you don't treat friends that way, let alone pregnant friends who are under a lot of stress already. He is always argumentative, for anything. So am I overreacting, because what I want right now is to tell him straight up, as of today, if you can't respect me, treat me with kindness or any due friendship, why should I do that for you. You were given 5 months notice, ie. when I got pregnant, and then more recently 2 months notice to move out, now you really need to get out, you can have another 2 weeks which gives you til mid March (only a week or so less than was agreed upon forever ago), AND if you can't treat me nicely, you sure as hell don't deserve my kindness and graciousness of cooking you dinner and taking care of everything else around the house for you. Make it yourself, grow up, and learn some human decency. WWYD?

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