2nd Trimester

Feel off all the sudden

I feel off all of the sudden. I went from feeling great to feeling a little disoriented and exhausted, even dizzy for a second. I suddenly hurt every where and just feel strange. Part of me just says to go to bed and see how I feel when I get up and then there is part of me that remembers how many times I've miscarried in the past (even though this feels nothing like that) and I start to panic and think I should go to the hospital to have them check me out. When I call the hospital they tell me if I think I need to come in then come in if I dont think so I should stay home and rest which isnt a great deal of help. I know that at least 90% of us on here arent drs but I'd like to know opinions on whether I am being a worry wart or I should go into the emergency room
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