2nd Trimester

Pregnant with #3 with 2 of the same sex already

We are going for our mid-way ultrasound tomorrow and I'm anxious because this is our 3rd and final baby, with two girls at home, and there is a lot riding on this baby.  First and foremost, the babies health is whats most important, with that said, my husbands family is really hoping and banking on this baby being a boy since it's the last shot at "passing the family name down".

It irritates me that in their heads, this NEEDS to be a boy.  I love my girls and would thoroughly enjoy a third girl, as would my husband, but I'm not so sure my husbands family feels the same way.  Is anyone else in my predicament, with an obnoxious family who wants your last baby to be a certain sex?  Who knows what tomorrow's outcome will be, but I keep telling everyone to expect a girl and love her just the same, but I'm not so sure that will be the case.......very frustrating :( 

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFetus Ticker 3rd little lady is on her way!
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