2nd Trimester

Anybody not going back to work after maternity leave?

I'm planning on moving during my maternity leave and I don't plan on returning to work.  I feel like a weasle if I sneak out the back door without telling anybody, especially since I have very good friendships with the people I work with.  I'm just worried that if HR finds out I don't plan on returning, they'll terminate my employment when I leave and I won't continue to get my short term dissability or benefits.  We're depending on both of these things to get us through our relocation.  I've worked for this company for a few years and feel that I've fully earned any of the pay that I'll be receiving and I"d like to give my team the opportunity to find and train my replacement before I go. We'll also be moving out of state so I'd like to say goodbye to everybody before I take off.

Has anybody else had experience with this or do you have a plan on what you're going to do?  If you're not planning on returning, will you be telling your employer ahead of time? 

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