3rd Trimester

2nd tri-er with a travel ? for you ladies

Hi all!

I can't remember what the rules are for travel in the last month. I have 2 predicaments: 

1. My little brother is getting married about 1 1/2 hours away 3 weeks before my due date. I would be crushed if I missed this so I would like any advice: do you think the distance is too far? Is it doable?

2. My DH's cousin is getting married about 40 minutes away just 1 week before my due date. I don't care about this one as much but we had agreed (before we got pg) that DD would be the flower girl. Obviously we can just tell them no since our pregnancy is open news now.

It's hard to compare what this labor may be like to my DD's because she was induced at 38 weeks so I never experienced a "real" labor process with the water breaking and contractions, etc to tell you how long I would have before the baby popped out. I figured I would ask my doctor at my appt. but wanted to get some insight from you all first. 

I feel like I would be ok to do my brother's wedding. I'm not a bridesmaid or anything so I would just sit there and then if I got too tired I'll go to the hotel or DH and I can just drive back home after the I do's if I'm starting to not feel so great.  Any advice?

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