2nd Trimester

Rant about idiots

I know everyone can sympathise with this, but I am SO tired of freakin' idiots.

What makes it worse is I don't 'look' pregnant yet - I just look fat - so all of the idiotic comments have come from my friends, who are supposed to know better, not strangers (although I did have a bank teller tell me to "not let anyone scare [me] with their horrifying birth stories".. ...and then tell me all about hers). One is a medic, and went so far as to say "um... You shouldn't lift anything above 10lbs... I'm not going to scare you with the reason why. *Waits for me to say, "oh, go on!". I don't. Thirty seconds later:* But basically, your placenta can pull itself away from the wall of the uterus and you'll need surgery". One - a guy, who happens to be a douche anyway -  grabbed my stomach and told me that I'm really showing now. He didn't even say it in an excited way. He said it the way you'd say, "just to let you know, you have a huge pimple on your nose".

But by far the worst is this dumbass b*tch who I had to deal with last week. She wouldn't be in my 'friend circle' if I had a choice, because she's so aggravating, but she's dating one of m friends so what can I do. In the space of five minutes, she asked/did all of the no-no things, and some that are just plain stupid. She grabbed my belly and didn't let go for five minutes. She asked me if I'm going to be breastfeeding. She asked to see the baby's room (idiot, baby's due in July, we're moving in six weeks, and we have no money. You think we've rushed out to buy baby furniture?). Worst of all, she asked if we planned this pregnancy.

Since you guys are strangers, I'll fill you in. My husband and I will be 22 and 21 when this baby is born. We both are out of college and need to go back. DH has one year to complete, I have two or three years to complete. DH was, until about two weeks ago, making under $300/month. I can't work (visa reasons) and that isn't changing anytime in the near future.  We don't have health insurance and are ineligible for Medicaid. Oh, and we're newlyweds, who couldn't afford a honeymoon, and made no secret about that fact that saving up for our honeymoon was going to be our priority after the wedding. So what do you think, ladies? Was this a planned pregnancy? Of course it wasn't, and she knows about all our situation. Frankly, I couldn't care less if she assumed "not planned" means "we're too stupid to know about contraception", but I feel so guilty admitting that this baby wasn't planned. I know she can't understand yet, but I feel like I may as well be saying "this was an accident", or worse, "this was a mistake", which she is not.

Ugh. Anyway. Rant over. Feel free to share your rants about idiots. Oh, and if anyone is dealing with the "oh wow, you look WAY more pregnant than that!" bull, I think I have an antidote to that, if you're interested!

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