Single Parents

Thinking about dental school

Maybe I'm crazy. But now thinking about it, I was so close to going to school to become a dentist, but STBXH was never really keen on me doing it. At the time we were engaged and he didn't really want to wait for me to go through 6 years of school. So I pursued dental hygiene school instead. (2 yrs vs 6 yrs).

Now that he's out of the picture it's been in the back of my head. I have no one telling me what I should or shouldn't do because of their own interests. 

I would have to get my B.S. which would take possibly 1.5 years, and then 4 years of Dental School. By the time I apply and start Dental School DS will be preschool aged. Am I being ridiculous? I feel like I missed the boat but I'm not sure.

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