3rd Trimester

Had acupuncture to bring on labour, seeing what will happen

For the past two days I've been having acupuncture to bring on labour. The first day went good and I felt great afterwards, relaxed and calm. Yesterday I had a different person doing it, and I don't know if it was because I was more sensitive after doing it once, but I felt so hot/sweaty/and it was a bit intense. I had contractions yesterday and am waiting to see if anything has happened "down there" progress wise when I see my OB today. Then I have acupuncture again tonight to see if it can get things started.

The acupuncture needles were in between my thumb and pointer finger, in my legs and ankles, and lower back. Some points were a bit more sensitive then others, and it almost feels numb a bit depending on where it is. After they put them in they stay in for 40mins, and I just focused on breathing and relaxing. They stimulate the needles by flicking them occasionally, which doesn't hurt. Some spots are sensitive though (for me, my hands were sensitive). Just thought I'd share my experience in case someone else is getting acupuncture and wants to know what to expect! :)

Hopefully baby boy is on his way! :)



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