3rd Trimester

Baby Link has arrived! (PIP)

To keep it short baby Link arrived at 1:19pm this afternoon, weighing in at 7lbs 7oz (take that every single relative/friend who said he would be a 9 or 10lbs baby) and 20 1/4in.

I did not want to be induced but since doc was on call for 5 other dr.'s in his practice all weekend and DH has to leave town tomorrow, we agreed to be induced at 5:30am today.

Things had a bumpy start as my blood pressure dropped suddenly about 10 minutes after being admitted and I blacked out. I told the nurse 3 times "I do not feel right, I need to sit up, I can't breathe and have an overall feeling of malaise." She ignored me (kept going about her routine and set a vomit bag on my stomache) and as I tried to sit myself up I went out like a light! Next thing I knew DH was holding my face and calling to me (my eyes never closed and my heart rate apparently droped to a near stop.) four nurse had surrounded me and monitors were going crazy, The initial nurse who ignored my complaints told everyone including my doctor that I just had a panic attack! Not true, I know the symptoms are quite similar but I was very calm and chipper right be for it happened.

Luckily her shift was over and we got the most amazing and experienced nurse I had hoped for. My Dr. broke my bag of water and allowed labor to try and progress without using pitocin. After 3 hours (10am) I had no changes in dialation so in went the pitocin (which I had really hoped to avoid this time around). I did not ask for any pain meds at that point and had hoped I wouldn't need to. After an hours and a half my contractions were getting stronger and stayed at 2 minutes apart as they had been from the start. I asked for demerol and tried to relax (I wanted to move around but they would not allow it after administering pitocin). After an hour each contraction was twice as strong as the last and I opted for the epidural. The anesthesiologist arrived about an hour later (12:30ish) and holy cow was I relieved. I tried not to cry as each contraction rolled over me and sit still long enough for her to get the needle in place.

Once the epi kicked in I went completely numb! I couldn't even feel the pressure let alone tell you when I was having a contraction. I was only 5cm when I requested the epi (which made me feel like a complete whimp, since DD came out med free). At 1:00 I was 10cm and apparently ready to push! Thank heavens I got the epi when I did or I would have been SOL for another delivery. The doctor had just stepped out of the room so the nurse was able to just open the door and grab him. I gave 3 good pushes (not sure how since I couldn't feel anything) and out popped Link!

So far he has not been eating since he came out so fast his lungs didn't get compressed well. The nursery has had to suction him twice to try and get all the goup out of his lungs but I am hoping I can get him to nurse after this last suction.

Our handsom baby Link has a head full of brown hair and 10 fingers & 10 toes Big Smile


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