2nd Trimester

work frustration

I'm currently on medical leave due to a tear in my placenta (placental abruption). My dr has had me out of work since about 12 weeks because I am not allowed to stand for more than 2 hours at a time.

My dr called them specifically, sent them the paperwork over, & they acknowledged that I should be at home, resting. So, I haven't been working...obviously.

Well. The past few weeks, they've been calling me once a week saying I have unexcused absences & that I am missing work for no reason, etc. They keep saying that I don't call them back, but everytime I call, we get the situation straightened out & they end up calling less than a week later.

It's so frustrating. It's like no one knows anything & they keep passing the torch. Not to mention, I was supposed to receive disability pay while on leave, but I haven't seen one cent & I can't help but think it's because they just don't know what the H3LL they're doing.

DH has discussed that he wants me to stay home with the baby once she is here...& I'm all for it. I'm seriously thinking about calling them tomorrow & just letting them know that I don't know what is going on, but that I won't be returning after the pregnancy is over.

~ *BFP 10.21.11
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