Single Parents


I am still fairly new one here and have only posted a couple of times, but I have a question. First a little background. My ex (who is my DS father) and I have had some issues. Especially when we were together. If I had my way he wouldn't be in my DS life at all. Well he texts me whenever he feels like it and ask how is he doing then ask if I can meet him different places so he can see him. I have tried to as nice as I can to him. And he doesn't see him that often. 

Well to make matters worse FI and my ex work at the same place but usually different shifts. On Valentine?s Day, however, they ended up working together. I did not know this when I went to take my FI his gift. When I walked in my ex took the car sear from me and walked off with DS. Then he said he was going to take him upstairs (the employees have their own rooms up there) and then asked if he could change his clothes. I politely told him no that I prefer to wash them first. He said ok. When he brought DS back down he wanted me so I took him. Well he ended up holding him again and got a phone call. I thought he just walked into the next room, but he had walked to what we call a bay and someone had been spray painting a truck. I proceeded to go get him and bring him back inside. He was wet so I laid him on his blanket on the counter to change him. My DS could only see my FI and me at that particular moment, so DS was laughing at my FI. This mad my ex mad and he leaned over me pushing me up against the counter so he could get in between them.

As DS lay their and played he had to pick and whistle at him. DS got sleepy so I picked him to get him to sleep. He then was trying to play with him so I got up to walk around the room. My ex stands up and blocks me in so he could pick at him. I ended up walking into another room so I could get him to sleep. Then he walks in when DS is almost sleep and wakes him up. Pissed wouldn?t even begin to describe it.

I don?t want to even take my DS around him anymore. I don't know what to do. Does anyone have any advice?


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