2nd Trimester

Back from the E.R

And L.O is fine :)

I had a SERIOUS pain in my lower abdomen- sort of a shooting pain that went from my abdomen down to my crotch. I hunched on the floor, threw up on myself and DH decided we needed to go in.

 Has anyone had this pain? It's awful.

 I guess when they did my hip surgeries a few years back they damaged some nerves which LO is now 'sitting' on. This plus the stretching seems to be the culprit.

 I felt absolutely stupid for going in, but I'm glad I know. They were super nice and said they have had other pregnant girls in for this before...it made me feel a little better. Next time I feel it, I will just make sure I have lots of room to lie down and a garbage can to throw up in.


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