Single Parents

Custody arrangments and DS Father moving back in?

I have a very unique relationship with my stbxh.  Our divorce will be finalized in March and we have been living separately.

We get along very well and never have fights (though we have normal disagreements from time to time).  Weird things have been happening at my home like lights flashing at midnight twice and stuff.  We have not been able to figure it out.

There have been talks of stbxh living with us as roommates.  I know this is a very unpopular idea but we are quirky like that.  My stbxh is an excellent father and visit DS quite frequently each week.  He just not able to connect with people on an emotional level(high functioning aspergers) but he lives simply and just only need a room with the expectation that the duplex is mainly mine.  There are more benefits if he is roommate with us than not.

I am going to call the courthouse and been trying to look online.. but would any of you know if court is against ex spouses living together? does it change child custody and child support arrangements?


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