Single Parents

Not sure what to do

Since I left STBXH in Dec., he has only spent about two days a month with our son.  We had our child support/placement hearing on Monday, and when he found out that he was going to be required to pay about $140/week for CS, he immediately requested to have DS every other weekend, which would make his payment around $108/week.  DS is only a year old, and I have seen him every single day of his life.  I'm not sure if I'm okay with him being away from me for two whole weekends a month, but the judge gave consent.  Two days later, STBXH told me that he cannot take Liam the last weekend in March now, because it's his birthday and he wants to go party for the weekend with some friends.  We can't switch weekends, because he works every other weekend, so basically, I feel like he just requested EOW to get out of the child support.  What would you do?  I would rather have my son than have him stay with a babysitter for the weekend, but then is that sending the message to STBXH that he can get away with things like that?  What would you do in this situation?
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