2nd Trimester

Fighting with husband over cat...

My cat, Monique, has been my baby for going on 14 years. I've had her since I was 16 years old and she was 2 months. I've been through everything with her, including her battle with mammary cancer, which she is thankfully in remission from (after spending a small fortune on treatments). She has been sleeping with me since day 1. And continued sleeping with me even after DH came into my life. So she's been sleeping with US for about 6 years. He says he doesn't like cats but I've found him curled up with her countless times. I have dozens of pictures of them cuddling together and he coos at her and spoils her all the time. He's questioned a couple of times whether she should continue to sleep with us after the baby is born and I've told him it's fine if she's with us, but she will absolutely not be allowed near the baby's crib. I know he spoke to his mom last night, and she's of the mentality that simply owning a cat causes miscarriages, that they steal babies breath/soul, and a whole mess of other stupid superstitions about cats. I've managed to calm all his fears until last night/this morning. He woke up and the cat was at our feet, as always and he told me to get her off the bed, so I did. She left but returned when he got up to use the bathroom and left the door open. When he got into bed he all of a sudden flipped out and yelled that if I want to sleep with the cat go ahead but that he's sick of it and stormed out of the bedroom with his pillow out to the living room. I so bad wanted to just ignore his tantrum but ended up crying. When he left for work he didn't even say bye to me, which he always does. He is adamant he doesn't want her in the bedroom. It's all very easy for him to say when he sleeps like a log and hears nothing but I will have to hear the cat crying, the baby crying AND be the one to wake him up for work because he NEVER hears his own alarm. His attitude is unnecessary and he is putting undue stress on me.
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